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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Time: 6:54 AM
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Blog Post 2: A short extract that deals with the themes in the novel
'"And that," put in the Director sententiously, "that is the secret of happiness and virtue— liking what you’ve got to do. All conditioning aims at that: making people like their unescapable social destiny."'

This quote is taken from "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. Like "The Giver", it depicts a utopian society which in reality is a dystopia. An all-powerful state uses social conditioning to control the behaviour and actions of its citizens so that they believe that they are happy and that they live in an ideal world. Being superficially fulfilled, the people are satisfied with their lack of personal freedom, lack of emotions , lack of self-esteem, and ultimately, their loss of humanity.

The above quote clearly identifies the use of social conditioning as a critical instrument to brainwash people into believing that they are happy with their way of life and the society that they live in.

Similarly, in "The Giver", the members of the community have surrendered their individuality and freedom in exchange for an apparently perfect society. Ironically, in an environment where everyone is ostensibly contented, they have a false sense of security that they have chosen the freedom to think and act for themselves.

In "Brave New World", there is no room for professional competitiveness as the conditioning system employed by the state has eliminated the need for it. Instead, people are genetically bred to do their jobs and cannot desire another. There is a caste system, and within each caste, members receive the same food, housing and rationing as each other. Hence, there is no competition within castes.

Similarly, in "The Giver", members of the community are assigned lifelong jobs by the Committee of Elders after observing the children as they develop in the community. Some jobs are more respected than others, for example, Birthmothers are not considered an assignment which carries much honour. This implies that there is a caste system which exists the in the community. Although Jonas's society appears to be perfect, it is clear that prejudices do exist in some form or another.

Name: Nicola
Literature Blog, The Giver